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New Online Tutorials

Hi there!

Thank you for joining the site. I am so grateful for your support.

And for those of you that don't know, I am just starting my new membership website, and there are multiple paid plans as well as general membership. So head on over to the website and join my new cake community.

For those of you with me right from the beginning (that seems strange when I have been in business for over 21 years, but it is a new normal, so I see the business as having a fresh start too). I have been adding more online tutorials to the website for you.

For my Cakers -

Thank you very much to those that have purchased the Cakers membership plan.

I have added a few tutorials for those of you that purchased the Cakers membership plan and don't worry, there are more to come.

1. Swarovski Crystal Cake jewellery tutorial.

This was such a popular thing to do back when crystals first started appearing on wedding cakes. I wanted to create a safe way to do it. This was originally a PDF tutorial and it has now received an upgrade to a full video tutorial.

2. Cute little bunny rabbit model tutorial.

This was originally part of a weekly class held during the summer term, and this little bunny was much requested so is now a tutorial that can be purchased (along will all the other paid for tutorials on the site, but of course, they are included in the Cakers membership plan.

3. Steampunk Cake Class lesson 1

Another hit on the internet when I posted the pic of this class and the pics I received from the students were fabulous! This was one of the weekly classes subject for the summer term and I thoroughly enjoyed creating it.

It became my contribution to the Steamcakes collab.

I am editing the weekly recordings and uploading them here (Don't worry, all references to students that attended the class have been removed, often with fresh audio recorded). So it is all ready for you to watch for the first time.

That is a whopping seven session class that takes you right through from carving to covering, airbrushing, painting, modelling details including the cute little dragon and more. It is available as a plan on the Plans & Pricing page

The final bit of news for today is

Weekly Classes

This is complicated to organise this term, as I am offering students to attend either in person - limited to four places per class - or online.

I am currently in contact with those students that attended the summer term to see how many are signing up for September, then I will be contacting the rest of my regular students in my student group, all before I can then put remaining places in the online shop.

Why so complicated? Well, I value my students a lot! So, my way to say thanks is to allow them to take a large part in choosing the subject for the next term. My way of giving a little back as thanks for their support.

The new term starts on the 7th July, so get in touch if you are interested.

The times are already on the Weekly classes page

So that is my news for today.

Subscribe to the blog to make sure you get all the updates about the new tutorials as they are added and much more.

Happy caking


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