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Weekly Classes update

We have such a lovely range of weekly class this September.

The students that were enrolled on the previous term give their wish list for the subjects for the next term and first refusal on a place.

It means that everyone gets a say, which I love, it also means we have such a varied and diverse range of subjects and I never know what they are going to ask for.

All sessions are suitable for any level as I help you achieve your best through the term. You will find more experienced sat right next to complete beginners to sugarcraft, and I truly believe we all benefit from that. The beginners benefit from the other students in the class just as much as the more experienced learn from the beginners. Trust me! There is always something new in sugarcraft, and no matter how long you have been learning, you never stop.

So let's see what we will be learning.

Monday morning

have a lovely mixed subject term

  1. wafer paper peony

  2. hand made flowers using artista soft Hearty soft deluxe air drying modelling clay, including sweet peas

  3. And a dragon! You heard me! A modelled dragon in a rice cereal treat cave. How amazing does that sound

Monday evening

will be making a flower fairy with beautiful flowers too including snowdrop, bluebell, lisianthus, forget me not, pansy and dandelion. I can't wait to see that

Tuesday morning

were inspired by my old fashioned telephone cake and will make a new version of that complete with flowers and a little bird perched on the handle.

Tuesday Evening

Another mixed session, but wonderful varied content - 1. Piped buttercream floral cupcakes, 2. figure in a boat cake topper - great for cakes for men, 3. hand made flowers including peony, blossoms and eucalyptus, 4. Sculpted toadstool cake and accompanying cheshire cat cake.

Wednesday morning

We will be making a gorgeous little pot of blackberries followed by a version of my victorian santa

Now I wonder what they will do

What do you think? Red and white? or natural tones such as the green and brown (although on the original I did sneak in a deep red waistcoat - as you do)

Wednesday evening

Another mix tape of subjects including snowdrops and bas relief. Looking forward to seeing what they choose as their final part

So if you are thinking of joining us, I will let you know on Monday how many spaces are left. We are limited to four persons for in person attendance, but can have slightly more for zoom. I never like large classes as it means I can properly help everyone.

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